Meet some of the talented authors of TriMark Press!

Below is a selection of some of the authors that TriMark Press has been honored to assist in bringing their book into reality. Select a photo below to read each author’s full bio, with links to their books, book reviews, websites and social media pages.

To join this select group of authors, or to inquire about publishing your book, please contact us.

Pamela Lederer

Dr. Claire Stagg

Gary Rose

Abigail Rose Poetry

Chantal Celeste

William Lytton

Michelle Angel

Pastor John Matthew Lowe
Miss Lori
Dr. Steven Vanni
Tom Alexander
Michael Castro
Susy Nieves Dianderas
Zeke Petrie
Charles Block

Sherry Bennett Warshauer

Amy Minty

Charles Mount

Adeline Wiener

Richard Sacks

Athan Noel

picture of author jim halloran

Jim Halloran

Dutch Dimanche

Vince DeOrchis

Vince DeOrchis

Randy Durich
Lori Balter

Lori Balter

Janice Sussman

Janice Sussman

Bob Berman

Bob Berman

Elaine Grosoff

Elaine Grosoff

Christopher McGarry

Christopher McGarry

Deedra Lavon

Deedra Lavon

Kathrine Bagdasaryan

Kathrine Bagdasaryan

Homere L. Jean

Homere L. Jean

Robert Brown

Robert Brown

Rosemary Bracco Greenbaum Kohler

Rosemary Bracco Greenbaum Kohler

Dr. Ruby Natale Andrew

Dr. Ruby Natale Andrew


Kirsten Brown

Arlene Iaquinto

Arlene Franco-Iaquinto

James L. Marshall, Jr.

James L. Marshall, Jr.

David H. Brown

Dave Brown


Keyon Dooling

Alan Haft

Alan Haft

Alex Watson

Alex Watson

Carol White

Carol White

Corin Wiser

Corin Wiser

Edward N Port

Edward N. Port

Emily Rosen

Emily Rosen

Herb Goldsmith

Herb Goldsmith

Gene Stoltzfus

Gene Stoltzfus

Gordon Bushell

Gordon Bushell

Jacklyn Stapp

Jacklyn Stapp

Javier Ferrea

Javier Ferrea

Jo Jo Harder

Jo Jo Harder

Karl Lenker

Karl Lenker

Kimberly R Lock

Kimberly R. Lock

Lee Ravine

Lee Ravine

Len Gengel

Len Gengel

Cherylann Gengel, Be Like Brit

Cherylann Gengel

Lila Pardo

Lila Pardo

Natosha Dooling

Natosha Dooling

Rabbi Samuel April

Rabbi Samuel April

Thomas Welch

Thomas Welch

W Ryan Fowler

W. Ryan Fowler

Northern Trust

Northern Trust

Dr Frank Weinstock

Dr. Frank Weinstock